Wednesday, August 1, 2007

August Fifth

With a discontented heart I yearn, for the one that seems to forever plague my mind
Simple thoughts blaze my heart of what was once but is no more
A year past since we first met with thoughts of you, me and the August sun
So discontented my heart still beats thumping loudly when I allow my mind to breath
With thoughts of art hanging on a string my mind wanders to the day we met, of buildings, people, your smile and the warm summer breeze

People wandering here and their but my eyes could not even stair
With eyes fixed on the one by my side I remember vividly that which I gazed
So dry I have been as of late trying madly to find that which is empty but still aches
But this feeling I abhor I cannot help but long once more
My heart still pounds when I think of you this day and wonder if this will be forevermore
With thoughts of what was but is no more I still hope and dream of holding you once more

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