Saturday, May 12, 2007

Who I Am

100 names I seem to have, a 1000 faces at my command
A simple shoeshine boy I may be, with a cap and an S underneath me
Some see me for the muscles I wear, or for my smile, my hair
Opinioned and foolhardy some do see
Intelligent, wise and intuitive I may be
Sarcastic, emotionless or insensitive I can be, but in the end all I care about is what my mother does see

Who am I, I wonder now
Who is it that sits here now
Lost, alone and confused I am
Lost in this great mystical plan
To be so lost in this world does seem not so difficult to believe
So simple life could have been, with choices made and lessons learned

Who am I with these many facades
What mask do I have on
So tiresome life does get, with these many names, so confusing it seems
So simple am I at heart, so complex the world does make
Am I lost or confused, or is it simply all a ruse
Sweet and caring in the end is what I am, I know cause that is what my mother believes

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